Friday, 22 May 2020

you have pizza?πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹


Is there someone in the world who doesn’t like pizza?
well, pizza is my favorite food.

In fact, my favorite video game is a related to pizza!
It’s called Good Pizza, Great Pizza.

You should totally download it!
i am really good at that game.

Anyways, I made pizza today!

At home!

All by MYSELF!


OK umm.

So, making pizza at home is easier than you think!
Since we are in lock down, I’ve been craving for pizza.

But then, I thought that I could make pizza at home!

Rupa and I made it together. But I had already made pizza before.

It turned out really good!

But this time, I made it all by myself.
Fine I admit, I had a little help from each of my family member.

But it was mostly me.

Anyways, all you need to make pizza is dough and sauce, cheese, and toppings of your choice!
Well, it takes time to make the dough.

Then knead it.

Then rest it.

Then knead it again and rolling the base into a circle.
That’s the hardest part.

It’ll take time to type down the whole recipe and method, so here’s a link.

This is how my Pizza came out.

the image is a bit blurry, but the pizza was awesome!
everyone loved it!

also, the sauce is a secret recipe i found today!
                       thanks for reading!

have you ever made pizza before?
what is your favorite food?
tell me in the comments below!

P.S. play Good Pizza, Great Pizza.
[its awesome]



  1. We also made pizza at home, even though it took a couple tries to perfect it! It was good though! πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

  2. πŸ‘
    Nice to hear!
    Also, i commented on your " a fun survey "
