Saturday, 30 May 2020

My rollerskating evolution 🔥


As you know by the title,
This post will be about my favourite pastime, and my Co-curricular  activity in my school. And my skating evolution.

I got transferred to my new school in the third grade (with Sana) .
The school was new as well.
So I didn't know anyone.
I and Sana decided to stick together..
Wait, this blog is about Skating!
So let me fast forward....

A few months later, we had to pick a Co-curricular activity.
I don't remember why, but I chose skating.
At the start, I was really excited , because 
I was learning a new sport!
I hate wearing my knee pad and elbow pads and stuff, they were so uncomfortable!!!
And my pink helmet looked really bad on me!

But skating was really fun!

4th grade: this was my least favourite year in rollerskating....
I was the only girl!!!
I had no one to accompany me😑.
So, I lost interest like totally!!!
I wanted to change my CC.
But my coordinator said I had to stay in the same CC for at least 3 years!

I was really mad.
But the worst part was the talent show.
We were doing a dance called "tanoora dance" or something I don't know.
We had to wear something like a big apron connected to a gown!
No offence, but it looked so bad!!!!
Everyone laughed at me😖

But,when we went on stage and did the dance , the audience actually applauded!!
That made me feel a bit better.

Fifth grade: 3 other girls joined, and we became friends.
This year, it was actually quite fun!
We played basketball and some other games on skates!
But again, the talent show.
We did a mime show on skates!
My friends said we didn't even skate around. We were just standing in a fixed place. It was true . What is the point of wearing skates???!??
But it was totally way better than last year..

6th grade: so...
2 girls joined a different CC activity.
So now, it was me and another girl .
We became close friends.
Oh! I totally forgot to mention!
I had quad wheels from third grade.
I had practice wheels at first, but then I started training in quad wheels,and get this, until 4th grade, I was the only girl in quad wheels!
Anyways, this year is when I went on my first ever rollerskating tournament!!
It was so exciting 🤩

However, I won't be writing about the tournament in this post..
That was part 1.(my rollerskating evolution)
I will be writing about the tournament anytime sooner!

Also, I have a new concept! - guest blogs!
Stay tuned if you want read blogs written by my family, friends,and other guest bloggers!☺️

Bye for now✌️